From a patchwork of rules creating a single market, EU food legislation has evolved over the past forty years into a body of food safety and consumer protection laws. Now is time to take it to the next level so it also delivers on the food sustainability front.

This blog is part of our 60th anniversary series, tying the six decades of BEUC’s existence to current day concerns. This one focuses on the 1980s. For more, delve into our anniversary booklet.

A safe food haven

Until 1980, the use of growth hormones in cattle was not regulated at EU level. It was forbidden in some countries but legal in others. But hormone residues in Italian baby food originating in France were suspected of causing premature breast development in two-year-old children. So as concerns rose, BEUC called for a boycott on veal meat which led to a ban on using hormones in livestock production. Although this ban did not fly well with our trading partners – remember the hormone beef trade war with the US? – the EU stood firm and the meat on Europeans’ plates has been hormone-free since then.

It took another two decades – and crises, such as BSE in 1995 and dioxin in 1999 – for the EU to equip itself with its cornerstone legislation on food safety and labelling. The General Food Law (aka ‘GFL’) has put consumers’ health and interests to the front. It set up an independent European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), introduced the ‘precautionary principle’ and held food makers accountable for the safety of their products. In short, the General Food Law has been a game-changer for food safety in the EU. One that has had a huge positive influence on the development of EU food safety regulations.

Expanding the focus from ‘safe’ to ‘sustainable’

Today, what the EU (urgently!) needs is a general law for food sustainability. Our food system is unsustainable on many counts. It is a major driver of climate change, environmental degradation, and biodiversity loss. And poor diets take a heavy toll on Europeans’ health. Yet, current EU food legislation can do little about it – when it is not even part of the problem. And we do not want to leave it all to the goodwill of businesses, do we?

Collection of fresh purple toned vegetables and fruits on dark rustic distressed background, heirloom eggplant, fig, aubergine, cherries, radishes, lettuce, beans passionfruit, cabbage, plum, onion

The good news is there is such a thing in the pipeline. The European Commission is working on a new Framework law for Sustainable Food Systems (aka ‘FSFS’). It will set the direction of travel for the transition to a fair, healthy, and environmentally friendly EU food system. It will also ensure that existing and future EU food regulations match and contribute towards these goals.

But not everyone agrees with such plans to make the EU food system sustainable. Together with over 20 civil society organisations we have urged the Commission to stick to its guns and resist attacks. It is encouraging that the Commission confirmed it would be on its to-do list next year.

Consumers need support to eat more sustainably

Most consumers are open to eat more sustainably yet face barriers. But many are unsure what food is sustainable or not and find it hard to spot the greener option. They also wish sustainable food were more widely available and less expensive. With energy bills going through the roof and rising food prices, affordability is likely to become even more problematic.

This is where the FSFS can help. Enough with blaming consumers for making the ‘wrong’ food choices: it is both unfair and counterproductive. With the right set of policies, the healthy, sustainable choice can become the most affordable, available, and attractive one. This means binning harmful farm subsidies, protecting children from unhealthy food marketing, ensuring that EU standards also apply to imports. Other measures are also much needed, such as social ones. The FSFS is precisely about putting this into motion. Let’s not waste any more time.


Posted by Camille Perrin